Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Blogger Woes and Backtack

Okay, I'm back. Just when Blogger started letting me post pictures again, I ran into another problem. Our computer went crazy. Every time I pressed the space bar, it acted like the enter key, so
It was impossible to even search for a solution because I would have to find words and copy and paste them into the search bar. One virus scan update and a brand-new keyboard later, all is well. And I am loving this keyboard. It is so...quiet. But, enough about my computer problems, I have better things to talk about.

My Backtack package is in the mail and I am hoping Chawne will get it by the end of the week. I had a great time making the softie and putting the package together for her. Now, I must brag a bit about Chawne. She is a crazy knitter, every time I look she has a new project going. She has made scads of quilts too. Oh, did I mention she is a math genius? What are you waiting for, go check her out.

Here is a little peek of kitty:

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