Monday, February 13, 2006

Turning To-Do into Ta-Da

One of the items on last week's to-do list was to purge and organize my files. This seemingly small task was supposed to not only make room for yet another year of tax documents, but also motivate me to finally get rid of this hideous file cabinet that I have had since high school. Pretty huh?

After about ten minutes (I'm estimating by the amount of spittle that had trickled down the side of my mouth) of sorting through 10 year old files, I began looking around the room for something more interesting to do. I spotted a piece of fabric I have been working with for a couple months. It's a nice twill weave from the sixties or seventies with a large floral pattern in shades of tan on a black ground. I used it to make a purse and a wallet and had it lying out to try to figure out how I could use it in my decor. I really wanted to cover a chair with it, but I don't have enough. My gears started grinding and the next few minutes were a flurry of coats, toys and grumbles as we headed out into the cold and to the copy center.

A bunch of black and white copies and a gallon of Elmer's glue later, my beloved fabric now lives on as a stylish piece of furniture. Considering I have not decoupaged anything since summer camp when I was 10, I think this turned out beautifully. After the glue dried, I added a couple coats of satin polyurathane for extra protection. The entire process took about four days and my files are still piled up in the dining room, but this was a lot more fun than sorting. Plus, now I don't have to shop for a new file cabinet.

I want to say thanks to Sherri, over at the Copier Guy. I couldn't have done this without your help, I really appreciate your patience (and I promise to bring you the $.95 that I owe you).

1 comment:

Andrea @ Behind Closed Drawers said...

I just followed your link from Apartment Therapy. This is great! It's given me some ideas, and is definitely food for thought.