Sunday, February 05, 2006


Every year is the same. I make a ridiculously long list of resolutions that I know I'll never be able to find, let alone keep. Every year end I look around at all of the unfinished projects, unmade recipes, scraps of paper with ideas jotted on them, and scattered photographs and feel like a failure. It's such a vicious cycle.
This year will be different. This is the year I've been waiting for all my life. The year I do something about it. This year I will be organized and productive simultaneously.

I have spent hours pouring through others' blogs, admiring all the beautiful crafts and food. It finally occured to me, that's why these ladies blog. Having a place to chronicle and share all the things you do and love, the added advantage of gaining insight from other people, and the motivation to get it done, it seems like the perfect solution to my problem. So, hello, I hope to see ya around.

1 comment:

larryosaurus said...
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